Welcome to the Earn Affiliate Money…For Bloggers Website! This site will give you lots of ideas on how to make more money with your Blog by using links to Affiliate Marketing Sites and Programs. Want to become a Problogger, too? Let’s do it!

Anne Z’s Story
I have dabbled for years with writing blogs and using affiliate links. This year, 2020, I’m dedicating my efforts to making MORE money with my blogs. I have been a teaching tennis professional and a long time eBay seller. I have many hobbies and interests from photography to movie making to Barbra Streisand and Disney. I am a collector at heart and have a passion for all my Apple products as well.
I’d Like to Help You As I Grow Myself
I’ve published some books, I’ve made some movies, I’ve taught many instructional online courses and I’ve sold a lot of stuff. I’m not afraid to try something new and have taught myself by trial and error, jumping into a project and learning everything I can about how to do it. I continue to learn and love connecting with successful people who are at the top of their niches. I will draw from all my various experiences and interests to help you make MORE money with affiliate marketing with your blog. I know I can help you as I continue to grow and evolve in our ever changing online world. I want to be a Problogger when I grow up! It’s never too late!
Here’s the Deal
I want to make more money online. I want you to make more money online. The best way is to either sell physical stuff (like with eBay and Amazon) or to earn money from affiliate links. I have recommended lots of programs and products to thousands of folks like you! Let’s do this together. I will share my successes with you and let you know where I’ve failed as well. As they say, this is not rocket science. I am a real online seller. I am a real blogger. I am a real person, Anne Z and want to help you succeed! I’m excited to start our journey together!
The Place to Start
I am so confident that you and I can make more money this coming year with affiliate links, I want to share my latest review with you for Wealthy Affiliate. I have been taking the training lessons every day and have found that I have gained so much knowledge already. Click here to see my review!
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. Let’s become Probloggers together!
All the best,
Anne Zarraonandia